We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the inaccurate execution of the scheduled task due to the switch of Daylight Savings Time & Standard Time. It is recommended that any schedules operating incorrectly be removed and re-set to desired schedule.
To delete an existing schedule:
- iPhone/iOS: swipe left on the set timer row and then click delete.
- Android: press and hold on a timer to view a pop-up delete button.
If you continue to have issues with set schedules, please remove and re-add your device (steps below):
- First, ensure you are connected to your 2.4GHz Wi-Fi on your phone/tablet with the CE Smart App
- Open CE Smart App and Click on device
- Click on the “edit” pencil icon on the top right
- Scroll down and click "Remove Device"
- The LED indicator on the device will begin rapidly flashing.
- As soon as the LED is flashing, within CE Smart App, click add device and follow the steps to reconnect.